Monday, October 6, 2014

Recommendations For Parenting Under A Variety Of Conditions

By Beth Yu

Raising your first baby is a time in life that is terrifying, terrific, and thoroughly educational. You'll find that each parent has a few unique experiences that are all his or her own. No matter how well prepared you think you are, the odds are good that you'll realize you have a lot to learn along the way.

Having babies in the bed with parents is an issue that gets a great deal of discussion. But this is such an fascinating and important topic that we want to say a few more words about it. Some additional benefits to co-sleeping involve the stronger bond that can be formed between parents and their baby. Co-sleeping gives parents who miss out on precious moments due to a need to work outside the home an opportunity to recapture some of the time that's been missed even if it is while sleeping. There is also a positive influence on breast-feeding when co-sleeping. Recent studies show that co-sleeping with babies leads to fewer issues for the breast-feeding process.

A lot of research has been done on how to best raise and care for babies. Such studies have been performed on all sorts of issues such as sleeping habits. There are some who believe that the babies who co-sleep with parents actually sleep better. These babies have been found to wake less frequently in addition to falling asleep faster.

Just try to make this a non-event so that it doesn't become too stressful for all involved. A common fear to consider is whether having a baby in bed will make your bedroom less of a romantic haven for the two of you. Ask other parents how their sex lives were impacted by the baby.

Most people experience some uncomfortable ear popping while flying as a result of the altitude changes of the airplane. Adults understand what to do in these situations; babies do not. If you don't help your baby through this, no one on the plane is going to be very happy.

There is very little, if any, difference from one place to the next. It's little things like this that can truly help you make a decision about your dinner plans. Fussy babies at home for dinner are very often fussy babies when out for dinner as well. We will suggest you attend a dinner outing at your normal eating times and not later in the evening. You will find that disrupting your babies normal hours could provide fuel for a difficult dinner out. Let's hope these tips have made the art of becoming a parent a little less stressful for you. Co-sleeping is still a widely debated subject however. It's a decision that new parents can only make for themselves.

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