Sunday, September 28, 2014

Expecting Children To Do What You Say And Not What You Do - Or Difficult Parenting Moments

By Jhon Parker

You will experience plenty of challenges on down the road when your little child becomes a teenager. This is a rite of passage for both of you. This is something that neither of you can run away from. But, we do not like to look at this as a bad thing. Your teenager's high school years should be a fun time for both of you. There will be both new challenges ahead of you as well as new experiences that await you. You will need to explore what is possible with your child and give them more challenges of their own. But, all of these things are supposed to transform them into dutiful and able adults whenever they grow up and leave home.

The ongoing banter that goes on with parents and their teens when it comes to trusting them and allowing them to do new things will never end. We tend to feel that many parents genuinely want to trust their children. Perhaps a lot of them do trust their kids or think that they do. Yes, it makes a huge difference when young adults feel that they can be trusted. The main thing that parents will do is bestow trust with the intent of seeing what will take place. Then they just sit back and wait for their teens to make the right choices. Many times this is all that a parent can do. Basically, if you trust them, then you only have one choice.

Personally, I have thought that it was too much of a strain on seventeen and eighteen year olds to make such lofty decisions since they are not experienced in doing anything as of yet. Yes, those lovely times of "thinking" what they want to do for a career. Quite naturally, they have numerous options that they can pull from these days. But as parents, it is our responsibility to be certain that they are being exposed to the right kind of information. It is available. Then make it a point to talk to and work with your child. Be their supportive foundation, but let them know that they have to live their own life.

Children can be quite reasonable and if they think they are helping you in some way, their natural empathy and love will help them understand. You may see the importance of this method once you realize how many application sit has.

You have the chance to give your teenagers more tough love by supplying them with more things around the house to do. Of course, we are discussing those years that are close to the teen years as well as the actual teenage years. It is most likely that both parents work and single parents have to do this if they want to get additional help around the house. But we said this because teenagers should know that they are needed around the home.

We think that you will find parenting a lot easier if you can communicate effectively with your teens. Of course this assumes they are old enough to understand.

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