Thursday, March 27, 2014

upgrade your parenting skills

there are four golden rules of author Neil Rackman Simple and easy to learn and apply new skills your business more spin selling and adapted to my program of positive parenting.

rule 1: practice new behaviors at once. Start by choosing a new tool only parental or practice communication skills. Once you get good at them and do not really down, then move to the next .

rule 2: Test the new behavior at least three times . New behaviors usually feel awkward and uncomfortable and most people give up before you start. And wait to decide whether a new behavior is effective only after you have tried at least 3 times. I would even say that it may take longer for some children, then just look for a positive change , however slight . While others , you will see a difference in children's behavior and their relationship immediately.

Rule 3 : Quantity before quality. In other words, do not try to do it perfectly . Just do it . Do not worry about it, without any problems or if there is a better way to say it . It would only get in the way of learning effective parenting skills. You can count on it ... Make again a quality of behavior and will take care of itself.

4 : Practice in safe situations. This probably means that you want to wait until you feel safe before trying in front of her mother -in-law , mother or the little old lady on the street who likes to give unsolicited advice .Go ahead and their children can imagine listening to you the first time you say something to them .You can enjoy parenthood , right? Also feel much safer if you do not have to shout to be heard . And I bet your child cooperate and smile a lot more , too.So now we will take action and move forward . This is what must be done to dramatically improve and enjoy their parenting skills.

  •     Select a new behavior in practice, to get the attention of your child in a non-threatening calm.
  •     Do it, do it , do it . Much .
  •     Do not give up too soon .
  •     Skip to the next tool for parents .

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