Monday, March 31, 2014

how to make Smart Baby

Important advice to have a smart baby.

- Always feed your baby healthy.

- Be in good physical health before planning to have a baby.

- Enjoy fatherhood after the birth of the baby.

- During happy pregnancy, eating healthy foods and exercising regularly

- Stimulate your baby with music and toys, meet their emotional needs and have a sociable baby.

Advice for mothers-to-be

- Be in good health before planning to have a baby.

- Invite the grandparents, relatives, friends and even neighbors to share your joy. The baby should socialize early.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

7 Tips For Fathers: parenting

it's seven Important tips for parents :

1 . Play with your child.
Kids love when you play with them. Especially children . You can play games or sports. Or as simple as running around the yard. What matters is that you give them your time, and that is what the child wants .
2 . Read with your child.
Children love to learn. And books are a great way to learn. Read with your child, and grow to love reading . Your child can simply try to read certain types of books, but try to find a variety of books . Some , your child will not like . Some will. The goal is to expose them to different types of books as early and as often as you can.

3 . be
just .Sometimes when you discipline must discipline as others. This is part of why you should listen to both sides. But being right extends to more than one discipline. Be fair when you have multiple children to ensure that things are done for both. There may be times when you need to pay more attention to one than the other, as when one is a child and the other can be defended , at least in part themselves. But do not do it to the exclusion of the other. As they grow , may be important to find time to do things with each of them. Remember to be right on time with his children.
4. cook.
Some men despise the kitchen. They will do everything to prove they do not know how to cook. Or if they are cooking, as in the network . Cooking in the kitchen not only give your wife a break, but also shows their children that men can cook.
5. Homemaking .
The only thing that some men despise over the kitchen, which helps to clean the house. You do not have to keep a spotless house, but it helps to keep the house clean and tidy helps maintain a safe environment for their children. With the help you clean your wife will be able to relax and have more time to be with you too. The fact that certain functions are " given " by the company for men or for women, does not mean that the other can not do the job.
6 . Be firm , but gentle.
Sometimes you need to be disciplined his son . This should begin early and ideally be performed by both parents , not just one. Parents must agree on what needs to be disciplined and how. When your child needs discipline , it is important to be firm . His son , especially as they age , may try to prove . If you do not stand firm , your child will not learn to obey. But be gentle . Children are fragile. I 'm not saying that you should not hit your children, but if necessary, a quick one or two slaps on a young child is often enough to get your attention. Often, however, it is not necessary unless you are in a situation where you are in public and you need to get immediate attention instead . A better solution is to use a timeout. When used correctly , the output can be very effective.

7 . Do not forget to teach.
As a parent , you are a model , even if your child is in school , there are things you can teach your child that teachers can not teach . Be involved in what your child is learning . You may not be able to help with everything. Help with what you can. Remember, the most important thing you can teach your child how to interact with others, and make sure that the way you interact with your child and others.

Childhood Education :TIPS

During the first 8 years of a child's life, they are able to perceive information and adapt to the surroundings.

Advanced Search psychological concluded that children learn faster when they are aged 0-6 years. Based on this concept, early childhood educators to design their program that helps to increase the natural learning process of children.  Now , a program of development of scientific child is not everything, but it must be accompanied by proper nutrition, parental interaction / caregiver , and the encouragement and the absence of one of these factors, the child is bound to lag miserably last year of his life . Therefore, from one side to the other with a chalked childhood curse well , it is also important that children should receive special attention, with respect and affection of parents or caregivers without parents.Program designThere are a number of education early childhood programs that are based on different theories ranging from maturationist theory proposed by Jacques Rousseau and Maria Montessori to behaviorist theory developed by John B. Watson , BF Skinner and Edward Thorndike . The current preschool educational setting is dominated by ideas and programs that integrate the characteristics of all the major theories. However, all pre curriculum - school currently has one thing in common: they are all designed to meet the individual needs of the child and aim to develop self-esteem of the child.To sum it all , a good program of pre - school isInvolve parents or caregivers in the learning process.Emphasis should be placed on learning through ThursThe program must put the same importance on the physical, cognitive , emotional and social .Overall, the whole learning process should mean fun for the child and not something powerful .

If you plant the seed in the soil and water, planting what you get is a tree with a solid foundation that can support. The human potential must be developed and nurtured early stages.If you want to build a better future for your child, you must develop the skills they need to support the future.

It has been said that "The way a branch is bent early, a tree is inclined. Early investment in the future of a child pays ten times in the life back

Thursday, March 27, 2014

upgrade your parenting skills

there are four golden rules of author Neil Rackman Simple and easy to learn and apply new skills your business more spin selling and adapted to my program of positive parenting.

rule 1: practice new behaviors at once. Start by choosing a new tool only parental or practice communication skills. Once you get good at them and do not really down, then move to the next .

rule 2: Test the new behavior at least three times . New behaviors usually feel awkward and uncomfortable and most people give up before you start. And wait to decide whether a new behavior is effective only after you have tried at least 3 times. I would even say that it may take longer for some children, then just look for a positive change , however slight . While others , you will see a difference in children's behavior and their relationship immediately.

Rule 3 : Quantity before quality. In other words, do not try to do it perfectly . Just do it . Do not worry about it, without any problems or if there is a better way to say it . It would only get in the way of learning effective parenting skills. You can count on it ... Make again a quality of behavior and will take care of itself.

4 : Practice in safe situations. This probably means that you want to wait until you feel safe before trying in front of her mother -in-law , mother or the little old lady on the street who likes to give unsolicited advice .Go ahead and their children can imagine listening to you the first time you say something to them .You can enjoy parenthood , right? Also feel much safer if you do not have to shout to be heard . And I bet your child cooperate and smile a lot more , too.So now we will take action and move forward . This is what must be done to dramatically improve and enjoy their parenting skills.

  •     Select a new behavior in practice, to get the attention of your child in a non-threatening calm.
  •     Do it, do it , do it . Much .
  •     Do not give up too soon .
  •     Skip to the next tool for parents .

why don't you enjoy parenting?

The most important things that Don't Make You enjoying Parenting

You compare your parenting skills with other parents. Stop comparing yourself to other parents. You may think that you are the best parents in the world, but not live with them 24/7. You do not know what happens behind closed doors. They might be horrible parents who know " act " as good parents when they are in the public eye . Be the best parent and stop comparing your skills with other parents.
Concern. How much time to spend worrying about your children? You worry that they will agree with the wrong people. You fear that I will not get into the college of your dreams. You worry about their future or someone getting pregnant . Concern that will do drugs or drink . Concern may arise in your worst nightmare. Stop worrying ! You can not control what your children are doing, but you can give them the right tools to help them make the right decisions . I will try from time to time you tested parents . This is the cycle life . Accept it and do your best not to worry.
You listen to others . This article is to provide parents with additional information on parenting . You can ignore or pay attention to it . You do not have to listen to promote the "experts and implement everything you read. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest.
Trying to change their children. You can not change the world - you can not change yourself. Once your children were born of their own way of speaking . You can not control or mold to be who you want to be. They have the right to be who they are. You may not like to hear this, but it's true . Accept your child, warts and all . You do not want to be accepted? You do not want your parents allow them to be what they wanted to be ? The world would be a better place if we stop trying to change each other . Your kids will eventually realize what they are. Yet allows them to be children .

Parenting unconsciously. You could raise children unconsciously. You go through the motions of parenting, without even thinking . We fall into a daily routine that soon takes over your life. Get out of your routine by doing something different every day . Drive your children to school by a different route . Allow time "family" every Friday or any day of the week that works best for your family. Be more present in your life to become more present in the lives of their children .
Remember, you have 60,000 or more thoughts that go through your mind every day that can affect their education. If you constantly think negative thoughts about parenting , which affect their education. Stop from time to time and be aware of your thoughts. What do you think ? How are these thoughts that serve you and your family ? Once you start to notice when your thoughts turn , you can change them. Have a positive impact on your parenting skills .

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

How to Become a Good Mother

to be a good mother is what every mother wants to become.
There really is no such thing as the perfect mother . Mom often wants the best for their children, and more often than not be ready to sacrifice anything in their power to give the best to their children. To be a good mother should be there for their children. Be there when they want to have someone to talk to. Be there when they cry. Be there when crumble . Be in their time of glory. Be there when they need you . Be there in every way for them.
This is part of being a good mother. Mom these days are stuck with many functions in addition to being a mom, they are wives , sisters, daughters , friends, employees, employers and million other things . These functions can be very difficult for a woman to control and often left exhausted at the end of the day. How to successfully juggle all these roles and still be a good mother? The answer is simple, you have to keep your priorities. Have a good time management in your list "to do" every day, compared to the problems or questions before and spent at least 10 minutes at a time "unique" time .
We need to recover and restore the power of all the hustle and bustle of the last day. Take your time alone, will be presented in the right mindset and be prepared for things to come . It will also keep you positive and open to others. In this case, it will help you bond with your children. Children appreciate mom really give them the attention they need. Children do not necessarily know what a busy day you've had, but often they will be the ones that will make your day or put a smile on your face for the little things they say and do . And attention to the small details that gives you the recognition that you have now and it makes you cherish every moment spent with their children regardless of the length or long time . This is a good mother.
It is time to stop living in anger , blame , criticism, blame, or waiting for an external event to occur before you can feel differently life while teaching your child this valuable skill also .

parenting Smart Kids

We know the importance of spending time with our children and still delegate this function to the world of electronics in the form of television programs , movies and video games.All parents want to believe that their children are brilliant. That children walk sooner or start reading even before attending a day school , educating smart kids can be a challenge . Parents need to spend a little time each day to ensure that their young students receive the attention and care they need to grow academically . One of the best ways to do this is to find schools for the gifted , but it's not the only way to ensure that you have found the academic stimulation they need .
provide support
Support for pupils with exceptional talent or chip should be a family affair. If your child is expert in something like math , do not rely on their local school to help cultivate this talent. What they really need is parental involvement . If your school is not able to offer advanced courses , look into some classes that will take place after school or on weekends . If you do not know where to look, ask a counselor or your child's teacher for suggestions on how to find these programs. Many colleges offer programs for students orchestras and choirs advanced academic bowls and other academic competitions - the key is just to find information about them.
The aid is not limited to students , however. Parents have very bright children may need support. Find a group of parents that aims to make children and adults as well as exceptional support meetings and social situations. Other parents are facing the same challenges and could probably be able to help in situations where you are not sure how to proceed.Discipline is always important
Many parents are comfortable with the discipline of their students. However , just because a child is special , it does not mean it is an adult in the body of a child. It remains important that parents teach their children how to behave and do not assume that just because they are so smart that they automatically know how to act in every situation. Parents do not have to be strict disciplinarians , but your children need to know that parents make the rules .
Raising bright children is not as easy as people think. There are specific challenges that come with raising a special child. Find schools for gifted children is only one way that can help to promote the achievements of his son . The most important thing is that you are an involved parent who cares about the welfare of your child.

Find schools for gifted children
Another option is to find schools for the gifted . These special schools adapt their gifted programs, especially for children who are exceptionally blessed academic , musical or other means. In these institutes , many programs can be tailored to the talents of the child. Schools for gifted children know that academic success is not the same for everyone. Some children may have an exceptional aptitude for literature, while others may need to be challenged in math. Schools usually gifted smaller academic institutions , which means that teachers there can monitor the success of your child and provide one on one attention to all subjects.
Parents must find the time before school age, to help their children prepare for the educational opportunities that will come, and the years of school, to provide encouragement and support that often desperately need. They can take their children for success in the following manner .
Leading by example, demonstrating acts of learning , reading and exploring ideas . Let your child see you in action as someone who asks , thinks, learns and understands .

Lead by Escrow, find time to be with their children , listen to their problems , suggestions, tell stories, and be your loving father and mentor. Take these moments to smile, share a joke, disheveled, with a pat on the back and help their children feel good about themselves .
Led by the explanation, to explain to your child when they do not understand or do not ask questions about the actions you take and the choices you make . Help them to understand in a friendly manner and patient.
Preach in order to help your child feel good about their accomplishments. Avoid telling them that they are smart , smarter than others, or destined for greatness . Instead , praised his work ethic , determination , intelligence , nature or how they manage conflict .
Leader enrichment by providing a supportive learning environment. Surround them with books, craft supplies and toys that lend themselves to exploration, creativity, imagination and curiosity.

How to be a Good Parent

All people can attest  , having children is one of the biggest changes that you may encounter.As a parent , perhaps the only thing that worries you the most is a good father. The problem is, how do you know if you are a good parent or not. Here are 3 simple tips to evaluate .

Step 1
The first step you need to take to learn to be a good parent is to slow down and get to know your child. Parents often forget that children are not in the same time as adults. Children are very relaxed when it comes t the time because no hurry to go anywhere , or have a concept of time . Kids just go at your own pace . Noting that his son will be able to know your child best , which will give a better understanding of your child. The more you know and understand that your child will be better equipped to deal with their moods and abilities , so do not expect too much of them.
step 2
The second thing you must learn to do if you want to learn to be a good parent is to accept the feelings and desires of his son . Too often, it is easier for parents to say that there is nothing to fear or that there is no reason to be angry . To learn how to be a good parent should accept their feelings, including recognition of their feelings. For example, tell them to give the green light to be sad that your friend had to go home . Tell them is to give the green light to feel a certain way is a great care because you show your child that it is normal for them to have their own feelings and desires.
Step 3
The last thing you have to learn what you can learn to be a good parent is that your child knows what is expected of them. Explain how should act in certain situations , even if it can not answer , it is important to tell them what you expect and what you can expect behavior. You must also set clear limits while setting expectations. This is important because it shows your child that their actions have consequences. For example, if someone bitten because they were crazy , you must be a consequence of this behavior. Tell them why the behavior is not acceptable and give them other options that are appropriate.
after these 3 simple rules just do your best to be a good father.

One.One of the most important things a person can inculcate in the habits of their children. Manners can play a vital role in how young people are able to function in the future, and can change their fate in some situations. If you want to be a good parent, you should make sure to learn the proper way to behave , at home or in a public place . They must also learn to respect a winning combination with good manners . If you are not sure how to go about it , ask a relative colleague or take to the library or online to learn more.
Two . Tell them as often as possible that they are loved . Some children go through their growing years and rarely hear those words from their parents, which can be very dangerous for them, to say the least . You can show your love in all forms , give them hugs before going to school, leave little notes in their lunch bags , respect your privacy, and so on. When they know that you care deeply about them, they will show the same in return , making for a happy family.
Three . Give them a special place of their own. Young minds are always in search of things to learn and see, all you need to do is encourage them. Some parents reserve designated playrooms , places where children rule the roost and do almost anything they want . If you decide to make a game room , make sure there are no dangerous objects that could break their children, swallowing or breathing . You can also opt for a place of friendly fire pit children or evidence of fire, which can add to a feeling of comfort that kids will surely enjoy 

There are always innovative ways in which you can get involved in your child's school. You can also make suggestions for new ideas to be taken on board and implemented in the school..

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

7 Good Parenting Skills

      There is no such thing as a perfect parent. It is a difficult job, and I think most of us would agree that it is much more difficult than we thought it would be ! That is why sometimes I want some suggestions to improve what we already do well and took some additional capacity to be better . Like anything else , a good education requires practice and these skills can be learned over time . Here are some characteristics of a good parent
1 A good parent is a good listener. And there is a big difference between active listening and passive listening . Your kids will make a difference. By actively listen , not just hear what they say , but participate in a conversation about it.Be a good example for your child. Remember that you imitate , explore the world and, indeed , the adult world through their own behavior . Be the adult you want your child to become.
tell your son . " I love you " It takes about a second to say these words , but the effects are monumental . Children who feel loved are more confident , happy, and often healthier. Are not these the best gifts you can give to your children? Take a few minutes to make your child feel special will make you feel special too .
Always remain calm. Teach you something if you yell at your child. Never react impulsively in front of your child. Contain spills. A feeling of anger is normal. Cool in an other room if necessary . Lower your voice, but speak with a firm tone when needed . No need to shout .

5 A good father creates a structured environment. Your children need this routine if they think they do or not. They may complain of brushing teeth or making the bed or doing homework , but these routines and expectations provide order in their lives.
6 . A good father provides a sense of security and protection. We can not keep them forever, but we can make them feel safe. There is nothing more comforting than your child a safe and loving home.
7 . A good father is proud of his children and often said. You do not need your child to score a touchdown or get an A on his spelling test to be proud of him. You can not be proud of him for being a good guy. Say on a regular basis .

Being a Good Parent

 the most important qualities/attributes to being a good parent. here is a list of ten most imprtant attributes.

1) At first all he loves his son .

Love is a non- share not mere words. Love should not be confused with the body of a child. Also, should not have to choose what you like most , your spouse or your child. Every relationship is independent. In addition, it is like comparing apples and oranges. And remember that your child is a separate entity from you . Just because you like baseball , does not mean you should .

2 )Goodness.

Be friendly and you get kindness in return. ( But maybe not the same day. )

3) Patience

Especially when you 've had a hard day and your child is still additional research

4) consistency.

Children love to be safe. Consistency in the rules, behavior, behavior , etc. Gives them security.

5 ) care . For the family and society .

One way to teach your child to take care doing good works for others. And I'm not just talking about forking money to a charity for tax relief. I mean giving your time . A child is more likely to help a good cause now and later in life if they witness their parents.

6) empathy. For your child and others.

When you are empathetic to be compassionate and understanding. A big thank you to all parents who do.

7) Teach your child to integrate properly into society.

By that, I want to teach your child good hygiene, good manners, how to get along with others and how to make friends . Some children are shy so it is particularly important to show them how to make friends.

8 ) Check your temperament.

Calm Parenting is much more effective . The screams and throws a tantrum ruin your credibility.

9) The ability to give consequences and stick to it .

Some parents have problems are heavy. Society needs your cooperation here . One day your child will live on their own and each other . Each company has enjoyed good citizens .

10) Take an interest in what your child likes and dislikes .

Even if you 're not very good at sports , but his son is , you can still enjoy the sport together . You can watch a baseball game together or go home games if they play sports . And you can always find time for a tea party . As interested in what the child does not like .