Saturday, February 18, 2017

Why You Should Get A Cut In Toronto Circumcision Centers

By Christopher Fisher

For many years, penis circumcision has been a common procedure on men, whether at a young age or during teenage hood. Today, controversy still surrounds this practice and many men who have in fact undergone the procedure think it is unnecessary. While the tradition of removal of the foreskin is mostly attached to religious and cultural beliefs, medical experts today advocate for the practice due to the numerous health benefits that come with it. Toronto circumcision centers can easily offer this service for a male of any age.

Males undergo this procedure either for medical or cosmetic reasons. Majority of the men face the cut when they are still very young therefore do not really have a choice. If however you are an adult contemplating to undergo the procedure, it is important to understand the pros and cons of circumcision so as to make an informed decision.

The accumulation of dead cells, body oils and other bodily fluids, collectively known as smegma under the foreskin forms a major breeding ground for harmful bacteria. This can cause foul odor and serious infections on the penis and the urinary tract. Removing the foreskin easily helps solve this problem and is thus widely acknowledged as an effective preventive measure against most diseases.

Research done by many experts indicates that removal of the foreskin reduces the possibility of contracting and spreading sexually transmitted infections including HIV. It also reduces the risk of occurrence of penile cancer. The buildup of body oils and dead cells that usually occur under the foreskin to cause infections is eliminated.

After the cut, cleaning the penis becomes very easy. However, a challenge of keeping the glans always moist arises. For this, use a moisturizer such as shea butter to keep the glans moist. A creme rich in vitamins is also a good idea as it effectively nourishes the organ and supports the functioning of surrounding tissues.

Caring for the penis after circumcision is also of very much importance. After the procedure, a wound with sutures develops. The doctors prescribe the right antibiotics to prevent medication and promote faster healing. Within a short while, the sutures and the swelling will be gone. You will hence go back to your normal activities including sex.

Generally, a male will be observed first to determine if they can withstand a minor surgery. A local anesthesia is administered before the foreskin is cut. Afterwards, sutures are applied to close the incision and a dressing applied to the area to keep it clean. Some swelling and pain may occur but this is easily controlled with a prescription of pain relievers. After the patient goes home, they are required to keep the area clean to facilitate faster healing without any complications. If however the pain persists, it is advisable to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Even with aforementioned risks, the health benefits of circumcision are reason enough to take up the cut. Majority of men in the world today are circumcised and attach more than health benefits to it. Even with the numerous advantages though, it really do not matter whether you are cut or not as this is a personal decision.

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