Thursday, February 23, 2017

How Circumcision Has Many Health Benefits

By Douglas Bennett

You can find basic surgical operations done for reasons of hygiene that has been in practice for many centuries. The discussion, in fact, is about an operation that was an important in the covenant between God and his chosen people. It was a holy thing for the children of Abraham and Jacob, an identifying mark that was very painfully done.

However, there is no joke involved in risking sexually transmitted infection or diseases for women who are in relationships with males who have not undergone the operation. Toronto circumcision is best done painlessly and efficiently for males of all religious beliefs, political or gender persuasion or age. Lives will be healthier and happier for this topic which can be studied online.

There are obvious health reasons for having a young male child circumcised, and not just to suit the tastes of Yahweh. Hygiene is the primary one, because the male who has had the operation done has lesser risk of several things. These include penile and urinary tract infections, the rare cancer of the penis, and sexually transmitted diseases like HIV AIDS, human papilloma virus, herpes and others.

Those who fear the pain involved during this surgery can access better methods that are touted as painless and worry free. It is true that the procedure was once very painful, and males had to grit their teeth when it was done, even with the help of anesthetic injections made before slicing and sewing up the male penis. The recovery was also painful and is possible today, too.

In some cultures it has become the rite of passage of male children. And there is wisdom in providing children this kind of protective surgery to prevent their having complications with an important part of their body. The male penis is used for cleaning the body of toxins and waste materials, and also important in human procreation.

Women have increased risk of getting infected with Trichomonas vaginalis and bacterial vaginosis by men who have not been circumcised. While contraceptives like condoms and washing are effective, sometimes they may not be. Because love sometimes cannot wait during hot dates that trump any precautions that can apply.

For modern circumcision, the methods that are available have now reduced the pain to less than 10 percent. These are tagged to good local anesthetics and some surgical techniques that will reduce the pain. The better doctors today can use things like the Pollock system of having a painless circumcision.

The procedure in question was found by a doctor in Vancouver and it only takes about 30 seconds to accomplish. Patient results are for near painlessness, with time a great factor in limiting the possibility. Dr. Neil Pollock proved this through thousands of surgeries.

Ideally, the operation should be done as soon as possible, and many parents consider it something that is important. It works best for babies under one year old, who will not have problems with retracting foreskins and genital hygiene. Again, a healthier life can be had with the help of the procedure, and those interested can have all the details online.

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