Thursday, March 27, 2014

why don't you enjoy parenting?

The most important things that Don't Make You enjoying Parenting

You compare your parenting skills with other parents. Stop comparing yourself to other parents. You may think that you are the best parents in the world, but not live with them 24/7. You do not know what happens behind closed doors. They might be horrible parents who know " act " as good parents when they are in the public eye . Be the best parent and stop comparing your skills with other parents.
Concern. How much time to spend worrying about your children? You worry that they will agree with the wrong people. You fear that I will not get into the college of your dreams. You worry about their future or someone getting pregnant . Concern that will do drugs or drink . Concern may arise in your worst nightmare. Stop worrying ! You can not control what your children are doing, but you can give them the right tools to help them make the right decisions . I will try from time to time you tested parents . This is the cycle life . Accept it and do your best not to worry.
You listen to others . This article is to provide parents with additional information on parenting . You can ignore or pay attention to it . You do not have to listen to promote the "experts and implement everything you read. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest.
Trying to change their children. You can not change the world - you can not change yourself. Once your children were born of their own way of speaking . You can not control or mold to be who you want to be. They have the right to be who they are. You may not like to hear this, but it's true . Accept your child, warts and all . You do not want to be accepted? You do not want your parents allow them to be what they wanted to be ? The world would be a better place if we stop trying to change each other . Your kids will eventually realize what they are. Yet allows them to be children .

Parenting unconsciously. You could raise children unconsciously. You go through the motions of parenting, without even thinking . We fall into a daily routine that soon takes over your life. Get out of your routine by doing something different every day . Drive your children to school by a different route . Allow time "family" every Friday or any day of the week that works best for your family. Be more present in your life to become more present in the lives of their children .
Remember, you have 60,000 or more thoughts that go through your mind every day that can affect their education. If you constantly think negative thoughts about parenting , which affect their education. Stop from time to time and be aware of your thoughts. What do you think ? How are these thoughts that serve you and your family ? Once you start to notice when your thoughts turn , you can change them. Have a positive impact on your parenting skills .

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