Saturday, March 29, 2014

7 Tips For Fathers: parenting

it's seven Important tips for parents :

1 . Play with your child.
Kids love when you play with them. Especially children . You can play games or sports. Or as simple as running around the yard. What matters is that you give them your time, and that is what the child wants .
2 . Read with your child.
Children love to learn. And books are a great way to learn. Read with your child, and grow to love reading . Your child can simply try to read certain types of books, but try to find a variety of books . Some , your child will not like . Some will. The goal is to expose them to different types of books as early and as often as you can.

3 . be
just .Sometimes when you discipline must discipline as others. This is part of why you should listen to both sides. But being right extends to more than one discipline. Be fair when you have multiple children to ensure that things are done for both. There may be times when you need to pay more attention to one than the other, as when one is a child and the other can be defended , at least in part themselves. But do not do it to the exclusion of the other. As they grow , may be important to find time to do things with each of them. Remember to be right on time with his children.
4. cook.
Some men despise the kitchen. They will do everything to prove they do not know how to cook. Or if they are cooking, as in the network . Cooking in the kitchen not only give your wife a break, but also shows their children that men can cook.
5. Homemaking .
The only thing that some men despise over the kitchen, which helps to clean the house. You do not have to keep a spotless house, but it helps to keep the house clean and tidy helps maintain a safe environment for their children. With the help you clean your wife will be able to relax and have more time to be with you too. The fact that certain functions are " given " by the company for men or for women, does not mean that the other can not do the job.
6 . Be firm , but gentle.
Sometimes you need to be disciplined his son . This should begin early and ideally be performed by both parents , not just one. Parents must agree on what needs to be disciplined and how. When your child needs discipline , it is important to be firm . His son , especially as they age , may try to prove . If you do not stand firm , your child will not learn to obey. But be gentle . Children are fragile. I 'm not saying that you should not hit your children, but if necessary, a quick one or two slaps on a young child is often enough to get your attention. Often, however, it is not necessary unless you are in a situation where you are in public and you need to get immediate attention instead . A better solution is to use a timeout. When used correctly , the output can be very effective.

7 . Do not forget to teach.
As a parent , you are a model , even if your child is in school , there are things you can teach your child that teachers can not teach . Be involved in what your child is learning . You may not be able to help with everything. Help with what you can. Remember, the most important thing you can teach your child how to interact with others, and make sure that the way you interact with your child and others.

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