Friday, February 1, 2019

A Guide To Help Adults Get Prepped For Ontario Circumcision Surgery

By Susan Thomas

The decision to get circumcised as an adult is a major one. If you have opted to undergo the surgery it will be crucial for you to prepare for it. Proper preparation will go a long way in ascertaining that everything goes smoothly. Fortunately, an Ontario circumcision operation is not a major one and the recovery period is fairly short.

The operation will involve the surgeon removing the skin that covers the tip of your penis. This skin is referred to as the foreskin. The skin will be pushed forward trimmed and the edges sewed together using a medical suture. Even though most men undergo the surgery because of hygiene, religious or aesthetic reasons, others will get circumcised because of a condition known as phimosis that limits the ability of the foreskin to roll back.

In order to get prepped for surgery, you need to inform your primary doctor about your attentions. The professional will review your medications and also ask about any natural products that you are taking. If you are under blood thinners like aspirins, your medication has to be changed or discontinued for several days before your procedure.

Before you get under the knife, you should be on an empty stomach. It is dangerous to eat or drink anything for at least 6 hours before an operation. If you prefer the doctor using general anesthesia, you are allowed to take a few sips of water beforehand.

Adults and teens should shave their pubic hair days before the operation. It is also important to effectively clean the pubic area before you show up for treatment. In addition, invest in tight briefs that you can wear after surgery to secure the dressing in place as you leave the hospital. Such briefs would also come in handy before the soreness and the swelling subsides.

Quitting the cigarette is also necessary if you want the operation to be successful and the healing process smooth. Nicotine can slow down the process of healing by triggering unexpected bleeding. If you consume alcohol, quit the bottle for about two days to your operation. Alcohol can leave your body dehydrated and also hinder the anesthesia from being effective.

In case you want your surgeon to administer a general anesthetic before the operation, make sure you make arrangements for someone to drive you home. You can take time off for a day or two, though this is not necessary. It is normal to experience some pain and discomfort for the first few days, though the pain medication will help.

There are numerous benefits allied with being circumcised. The operation will keep health concerns like phimosis and balanitis at bay. You will also be at a reduced risk of contracting HIV infections. It is also worth mentioning that it will be easier to effectively clean the circumcised penis and you can forget the hassles of trying to ensure that you are not at risk of suffering from bacterial infections.

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