Tuesday, May 22, 2018

A Fact Based Surrogacy Cost Breakdown For Aspiring Parents

By Pamela Cook

Children have been known to be a source of joy to families, but infertility continues to deny many aspiring parents this privilege. There are many solutions for those who are in this predicament, with the use of surrogates being popular these days. While this is generally known to be an expensive choice, getting the right information about it is important in helping couples know where they stand. Read on for an analyzed surrogacy cost breakdown tailored for couples with diverse financial capabilities.

The costs generally vary from country to country. This notwithstanding, two primary factors determine what couples ultimately have to pay. The first factor is the cost of living in the country that the concerned couple chooses. A surrogate whose country has a high cost of living will generally ask for more than one whose country is down the scale in this regard.

Secondly, there is the price of healthcare in the chosen country to consider. A good example is the United States, where medical care can end up costing a fortune, more so for the uninsured. Quality is the main reason given for the high healthcare costs in the country, this despite the fact that the same quality can be obtained in other nations for much less. Clinics in America often require patients to pay about 35000USD for IVF procedures. Some overseas clinics only ask for 6000USD.

The aspect of IVF is what also drives costs up. A good example is the US, where non IVF based surrogacy costs about 112000USD. The IVF alternative, on the other hand, goes for as much as 146500USD. If you head to Ukraine, you should expect to pay about 48500USD for the latter. The non IVF option costs about 40000USD in the country.

Be advised that the aforementioned figures are inclusive of the legal and clinical fees as well. In most cases, the overall fee is staggered over a twelve month period. This makes it easier for couples to manage, more so those working with tight budgets. Some of the countries with the most affordable fees include Ukraine, Kenya and Georgia.

It is common for couples to forget to factor the price of hiring an agency when budgeting. Agencies often get paid only if couples proceed with their plans to get surrogates. An agency must also counsel its clients prior to looking for surrogates for them. It should exhaust other avenues and work out a solution that is in the best interests of its clients.

There are several payments that couples may not see during the initial stages of budgeting. For instance, paperwork often costs money once a baby is born. One must spend money applying for a birth certificate, acquiring copies of the surrogacy contract, testing for DNA among other post natal activities.

Whatever you do, make sure you make your final decision after exploring all the options on the table. With good planning and patience, getting a reliable surrogate mother should be something affordable. Good luck on your journey to parenthood.

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