Sunday, October 12, 2014

A Few Basic Parenting Tips For Raising Teenagers

By Jocelyn Davidson

Parents from every culture, creed, country or circumstance will agree on one thing. Their teens sometimes drive them crazy. When children reach that age where they question everything and where their emotions and hormones are playing hop scotch they often do not know how to interact with the world around them. By following these few parenting tips for raising teenagers parents may smooth the path a little bit.

Teens sometimes behave atrociously and feel as if the entire world is against them. Parents need to make sure that their teens know that they are loved. They need to understand that the love of their parents is not conditional. The certain knowledge that they are loved will serve as a constant comfort, even when they experience inner conflict, anger and pressure from their peers.

Teens also need to understand that unconditional love does not imply that they can do or say whatever they want. They need to understand that they are part of a household where the rights of everybody must be respected. Ground rules should be discussed and agreed upon. Every member of the family, including the teen, must also accept the fact that breaching the ground rules will have consequences.

Teens are under tremendous peer pressure and they start to experiment with alcohol, tobacco, clothes that seem strange to their parents, body piercing and tattoos, to name just a few. Even when horrified, parents should refrain from outright condemnation and direct conflict. It is better to provide information impassively, to discuss the consequences of dubious decisions and to convince the teen to delay a final decision for an agreed period.

Teens often act as if they are worldly wise and informed but are in fact deeply insecure and even naive. They often accept information received from their peers as gospel. In this way they often make catastrophic mistakes. Parents can help by making sure their teens are properly informed on sexual matters, the many dangers lurking online and the potential consequences of experimenting with drugs.

The importance of setting a good example simply cannot be overemphasized. Teens are normally extremely critical and they will not heed advice or admonishments when they the parents to not heed their own advice. Teens see them as hypocrites. Parents should also be willing to admit to mistakes and they should apologize if the occasion calls for it. In this way the teen will learn that everybody makes mistakes but that mistakes should be acknowledged and rectified.

Teens generally respond well when they are respected and trusted. It is therefore a good idea to make it clear to the teen that his opinions are valued and welcomed. When family decisions are made, it is important to specifically ask the teen what his opinion is and to then take his opinion seriously. It may also be a good idea to tell the teen that he has reached an age where he can be trusted with increased responsibilities.

Parents should remember that their teens are experiencing extraordinary changes. They are on the brink of adulthood and they are often scared and unsure of themselves. Parents should provide a safe haven full of love, understanding and support. This will give the teen confidence.

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