Monday, May 7, 2018

For Good Drug Screening Dallas County TX Offers A Recommendable Destination

By Jason Gray

Drug screening is a method of examining biological samples in order to establish if one has been on drugs or not. In this process the samples used include urine, saliva, hair and blood among others. This test helps conclude whether one has been abusing a specific drug or substance. When in search of Drug Screening Dallas County TX should be given priority.

This kind of testing is often necessary when one is applying for a job in sectors that require utmost safety to the public. Such areas include federal transportation, hospitals, railways, airline industries, and manufacturing among others. In the US, the habit of having employees screened on a regular basis has become common due to safety concerns, low productivity, and efforts to lessen the impact of substance use.

The United States has a major problem with prescription substance abuse. It is approximated that the US economy loses more than 740 billion dollars every year due to this problem. This loss results from lost work productivity, health care, and crime. In 2015, the number of people who failed urine substance test numbered 9.5 million. The problem seems to be increasing as the number of people who fail the test continues to increase each year.

Pre-employment substance testing is usually confined to drugs considered to be most likely to be abused. Examples of such drugs are prescription drugs, and alcohol. Athletes are exposed to a different class of testing. It is a requirement that athletes participating at different levels including Olympic, college, and professional level undergo testing. Normally, the purpose of conducting sports drug screening is to determine the usage of illegalized recreational drugs and performance enhancing drugs among athletes.

Performance-enhancing drugs are many and they include anabolic steroids, recombinant human growth factors, alcohol, erythropoietin, and diuretics among others. There is a special list of drugs that the World Anti-Doping Organization maintains. All athletes are required to familiarize themselves with the list to avoid being caught on the wrong side. Those who fail the test may be banned temporarily or permanently from the sport they participate in.

Urine is the only sample collected during pre-employment testing. There are certain instances where an employee will be needed to avail hair samples, saliva and blood or sweat samples. Testing is always done at a specified time of the month or the year. There are certain jobs where an employer will require their employees to take part in random and impromptu drug tests. This is always the case in jobs that require high safety levels.

An employer has the authority to ask an employee suspected of using illegal substances. In a work station, an employer may ask their employees to take a drug test if an accident occurs. This test helps the employer determine if the accident was as a result of negligence. Not all organizations have such policies.

Those who fail a test are usually subject to a number of actions. Some employers may prefer to offer the employee time to seek the necessary help in a rehab facility and return when they have solved the problem. However, many employers do not tolerate this problem and will always prefer to fire employees who fail drug tests.

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