Friday, March 9, 2018

Understanding Some Facts On Baby Circumcision Ontario

By Robert Ellis

Circumcision is basically a norm that has been in existence since ancient history, and it has been practiced across a wide variety of cultures, religions, as well as social settings. Nevertheless, this exercise differs from place to place or religion, and the major difference is on the time of operation or performance. In most of the cultures, it is performed soon after birth. Thus, it is critical to examine Baby circumcision Ontario.

Before you decide to have your son circumcised, its important to understand quite a number of things that are usually involved in the entire process. First and foremost, it actually is important to note that this exercise does not necessarily affect the health of your son in the future in any way, either positively or negatively. In most instances, it is triggered by social factors such as religion and also cultural beliefs, and not necessarily the health of the child.

Some scientifically validated reasons are that circumcised babies have less probability of contracting urinary tract infections as opposed to uncircumcised ones. Another scientifically proven reason is that the incidence of infection and transmission of sexually transmitted diseases was significantly lower in circumcised males later in life, including HIV.However supporting data has still not been sufficient to push doctors and other medical personnel to recommend that every male child be circumcised. Hygiene has also been sited as a reason for the procedure as it is easier to keep the penis clean after circumcision as opposed to while the foreskin is intact.

Typically, the choice or decision to ensure that your son is circumcised is usually based on various factors such as religious norms and beliefs, hygiene concerns, cultural factors, as well as other social aspects. It should thus be noted that the procedure is not primarily medically necessary, but it is important all the same.

Another thing that is worth noting is the particular time that the circumcision exercise should be carried out. Most of the doctors usually recommend the exercise to be undertaken in the first days after delivery. Other medics however recommend the exercise to be undertaken two to three weeks after the child is born. In most instances, since many babies are today born in hospitals, the process is performed within the first 48 hours after birth.

Not everyone is comfortable with the procedure, harmless as it may seem, some people stand by the belief that not only is it unnecessary, and it is cruel to subject a baby to such pain. Argument that anaesthesia helps alleviate pain is not enough to convince one otherwise, as it does not totally eliminate pain but merely reduces discomfort.

Before you can decide your son to undergo the procedure, you should seek advice from your doctor, who will advise you on whether it is right to proceed or not. This is because not all infants can be circumcised right after birth. Only healthy infants can undergo the operation, and this is why counsel from the doctor will be handy.

In conclusion, baby circumcision has been practiced since time immemorial and it acceptable across different religions and religions. Though it is not medically necessary, it is a procedure that has been linked with preventing various infections in not only infants, but also adults.

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